Foxhill Livestock

Michael judges at the World Angus Forum

Having been asked to judge the male classes in the Aberdeen-Angus cattle section at the Royal Highland Show, Michael extends his congratulations to all exhibitors and stockmen.

“It was truly an honour and a privilege to judge such strong classes of cattle at the Highland in the World Angus Forum year and the standard was exceptional in all classes.

“Having grown up around Aberdeen-Angus cattle and with a butcher’s view of the industry I was looking for bulls with good tops and length while retaining that all important Aberdeen-Angus breed character.”

Taking the male championship was Balmachie Rodger P190 from John Lascelles and family, with this bull carrying great fleshing on a moderate frame and great breed character and style too.

Michael’s Royal Highland Show male champion Balmachie Roger

“I would like to thank the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society and the Royal Highland Show for the invitation to judge and express my congratulations to all involved in organising such a great show of cattle. Unfortunately, as we had previously agreed to judge a herd competition in Ireland we were unable to join the delegates for any of the Forum, but have heard great reports about the visits and events included in it.”